25. února 2011

New Firmware for ^3 during march ??

As you may heard from news all over the world Nokia connected with Microsoft, which means that we can sooner or later see windows mobile 7 in our nokia phones. And it also means that the new PR2.0 release of ^3 firmware will be postponed for some weeks. So now some new image was released and it looks like that we can get biggest update for our phones in history of Nokia.
There will be new UI. Over 50 things will be changed. 

As you can see here in the picture from Nokia presentation, menu will be also really different. New icons, new simplified navbar and great thing about it is that the new status bar will be pullable down and will contain every information about phone. Working with phone as I expect will be more easy. You can also see that we will get finally movable widgets like omnia HD widgets.

There is a screen of a new homescreen. Everything will be movable and as I expect there will be more then 3 homescreens for widgets.

So our phones will be like with new OS. Everything will be dealth with over the air and there will be much more hardware performance. Also things like new web browser are sure.

I'm looking forward to it what about you ??

Its said that new release coming late march or in the april ... we will see :)

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